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Monday, October 6, 2008

How Search Engine Works


User generated content, social networks and virtual media are rapidly replacing the way how traditional marketing works. And companies have already begun using the bandwagon of social media and SEM (search Engines marketing), to reach their niche business. As they are highely interactive and sensitive in nature, its equally important to understand and use them effectively. Now, the next step in the evolution to market directly is to learn how these search engines works.

There is no doubt that Google is the leader in search today, however Yahoo, MSN and AOL contribute up to 40% of the search engine market. It’s a known fact that, search engines display only top ten results in their first page and most searchers tend to click on the top few results. As pointed by Aaron Wall in SEO basics, “if you rank at the top business is good, but if you are on the second or third page you might only get 1% of the search traffic that the top ranked site gets”. Hence, it’s very important to get the basics right before marketing online. He also identifies the two most powerful aspects of search engine marketing:

• Users type what they want to find into search boxes, making search engines the most precisely targeted marketing medium in the history of the world.

• Gaining traction in the search results allows small business to compete with large corporations, with much ease.

Unlike traditional medium online is very transitory in nature, every five minutes there is something new and search engine factors changes constantly, But there are few things about search engines that are basic.
Below listed are some of the findamental SEO basics about popular search engins, pointed out by Jennifer Grappone and Gradiva Couzin in their book “Search Engine Optimization an hour a day”.

Google Basics
Percent of search traffic 58.4%
Primary results Robot crawler
Organic listing also influenced by Open directory
Ways to submit your site XML site map, or wait for the robot to find the site
Keep an eye on Google analytics

Yahoo Basics
Percent of search traffic 22.9%
Primary results Robot crawler
Organic listing also influenced by Yahoo! directory
Ways to submit your site Paid submittal to Yahoo directory, XML site map, or wait for the robot to find the site
Keep an eye on Yahoo! Go, Alibaba

MSN Basics
Percent of search traffic 22.9%
Primary results Robot crawler
Organic listing also influenced by Open directory
Ways to submit your site Submit URL form, XML site map, or wait for the robot to find the site
Keep an eye on Major acquisitions and Gatineau web analytics

AOL Basics
Percent of search traffic 4.6%
Primary results Google results
Organic listing also influenced by None
Ways to submit your site Get indexed through Google
Keep an eye on Future partnership deals

There are radically different opinions about these search engines, their algorithm and raking factors. However, some elements that strongly influence organic ranking include:

- HTML page titles, description and keywords
- Page content in compliance with the metas and over all theme of the page
- Relevant alt text that support the web content
- Number of inbound links and
- The number of relevant outbound links referring to the web page
- Easy navigation and image sizing
- Site authority, Age and
- Transparency also influences the organic ranking.

It’s true that it takes more efforts to rank well in organic search results. But, its low cost, high relevancy and high conversion rates make SEO an ideal marketing tool for almost any business. Since it’s an ever changing medium it’s very important to track what’s new in the online world to stay on “TOP”.

Monday, June 9, 2008

WOMM (word of mouth marketing)

It’s quite a rare sight to see someone glance through news papers. Magazines have almost become a leisure time activity. People are dwelling more on ad skipping digital video recorders and music players. In fact with the aid of new gadgets, they pick and choose their media exposure. Precisely, consumers are getting harder and harder to target. So, where is the new market ascending? What is the new strategy that rules the market?

As more and more people spend their time online the marketers need to find them in their space rather than dwelling in the traditional media. The new watch word for marketing strategist is now ‘WOMM’ (word of mouth marketing). It’s true that word of mouth marketing is emerging as a new force, over powering all other marketing strategies.

‘WOMM’ has got nothing to do with propaganda, advocacy or advertisement. In the marketing world conversation plays an integral part. And these new media sites focus on conversation as their integral part. For better or for worse people talk about products, events etc no one can stop that. So, here is the key for the new WOMM. Monitoring and harnessing these interactive platforms leverage the extra mile which marketers are longing for. WOMM can be of different kinds it can be a viral, a buzz or even a simple comment in social networking site or a blog. WOMM targets the complete social networking and conversation sites on the web.

The key elements of WOMM are:

  • Research on the space (where the target audiences meet and exchange queries and thoughts)
  • Communicate your product in the right network
  • Monitor and respond to all the necessary conversations

The best part about WOMM is that you spend less and reap more profits. Marketing in these social networking sites doesn’t cost a huge sum. Hence, consumer generated content is yet another powerful to widen the market presence

To know more about WOMM can help you improve your business contact Himshilp

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

SEO Techniques for Yahoo & MSN

Google, Yahoo and MSN are the most preferred search engines. And it’s a know fact that each engine adapt their own techniques and methods in crawling and indexing the web pages. Hence, if we want a site to be indexed by all these search engines. It is important to understand the commonality shared by them and optimize the pages generically.

Title Tag
The title tag has been and probably will always be one of the most important factors in achieving high search engine rankings.
Yahoo displays up to the first 112 characters of the page's "title" tag in their search results.
MSN displays up to the first 70 characters found in the "title" tag in the search results.
Title Tags Containing Specific Keyword Phrases are preferred by search engines.

H1/ H2 Tags
H1 & H2 headings are heavily weighed element in search engine optimization.
Yahoo and MSN gives preferences to the header tags which carries key words.

Key words
Tight focus on keywords is the key to a successful phrase selection by engines.
Breaking the topic into its basic elements and make a page for each will give better results.
Zero in on a very specific niche or description by using different combinations of keywords will help in better optimization.
Yahoo likes keyword rich content. The keyword tag should start with the key phrase and then all following words or phrases should be ordered according to their relevance to the website.
Yahoo works on exact match i.e. they recognize only an exact keyword or key phrase: "magazine" on "magazine”;” American magazine" on "American magazine”; “magazines" for instance represents completely another.
MSN Search places heavy emphasis on content. They even allow higher keyword density than Google does. Unlike Yahoo, MSN and Google work on partial matching. The general rule is that, the closer you place your keyword to the beginning of the "title" tag; the better is the ranking advantage.

Meta Tags
Meta tags have never been a guaranteed way to gain a top ranking on crawler-based search engines. Today, the most valuable feature they offer the web site owner is the ability to control to some degree how their web pages are described by some search engines. They also offer the ability to prevent pages from being indexed at all.
Yahoo's spidering process analyzes these Meta tags and uses them to determine rankings. Make sure your Meta tags include popular keywords that are relevant to your site's content.
MSN gives due credit to Meta tags and their algorithm appears to place some solid weight on the use of Meta tags. To take full advantage of Meta tag use, be sure to have some unique meta tags for every page. Do not use the same Meta tags for all of your web pages.

Back links
Search Engine often uses the number of backlinks that a website has as one of the factors for determining that website's search engine ranking. Websites often employ various techniques (called search engine optimization) to increase the number of backlinks pointing to their website.
There are various factors for determining the quality of a back link. Main factor is the page rank of the web page giving the back link. Back link from high ranked site is of good quality. Second factor is the subject of the pages which are linked by a back link. If both sites are discussing the same topic, the back link is relevant and of good quality. Third important thing is the anchor text of the back link. If the anchor text is related to the theme of the website (where the link is pointing), then it is called a good quality back link. A good quality back link will increase the page rank of your website.
When you observe the top ranked sites in Yahoo, it is obvious that the sites have a large number of back links leading to that site.
One of the ways to secure high ranking in MSN is to get your site registered in internet directory listings. In the earlier days of MSN it would have been the wisest choice to get yourself listed in Zeal/ looksmart, as MSN used these listings.

Alt text
Optimizing images is becoming more and more important in SEO for websites.
Adding ALT tags to the images on your site can make your content friendlier to Yahoo's indexing process.
MSN gives more weightage to short key words in Alt text.

However the underlining fact is that all these search engines strive to produce ‘Relevant Results’ which should be the key for optimizing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Internet Marketing Bangalore, Web Site Marketing Bangalore, Internet Marketing Company

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing refers to Marketing on Internet. There are few other terms, which are synonym for Internet marketing viz. Online Marketing, Emarketing etc.

Internet revolution has opened many new avenues for low cost and deep penetration marketing to global audience. Ability to converse with the audience gives Internet marketing an edge over traditional marketing approach. Internet marketing is the fastest growing marketing among the major media.

Internet Marketing is a combination of creative aspect and the technical know how of Internet including design and technical setup of the campaigns. Various types of Internet marketing are:

Advantages of Internet Marketing:

  • The audience reach is global
  • Deep penetration n target market
  • Cost effective approach
  • Can be one to one or one to many approach
  • Can target audience based on demographic information e.g. language, geographical area, or behavioral group
  • Results can be measured by defining matrices
  • Quick and easy communication can be achieved

Internet Marketing may seem relatively simple and easy to do but in reality Internet Marketing but the approach has to be quite scientific and quantitative in nature so that a greater ROI can be achieved. A slight “take it easy” attitude can make heavy losses to your business. The approach has planned carefully after weighing all the possibilities and matrices should be set to measure the ROI.

Prateek Samuel is an Associate working with Himshilp which specializes in providing SEO Services and helps websites in optimizing ROI through various marketing methodologies like PPC programs, Managing Affiliate Programs and Search Engine Optimization.